Through our LiveOn company we hope to inspire people around the world to LiveOn! To get out and enjoy the outdoors, breathe the fresh air, and appreciate life as a whole - whatever your circumstances. We hope you enjoy our products and share our love for the outdoor sports such as hiking, hunting, fishing, and most of all, a love for life.
LiveOn was created by Sterling Lyman in 2008 and became an official business in 2015. Sterling, along with his family, live in Alaska and work together to create exceptional quality clothing and designs displaying the activities we love most; LiveOn, HuntOn, FishOn, SurfOn, and more to come.
Sterling was diagnosed with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS also known as RSD) in May of 2015. CRPS is an incurable disease that causes constant extreme pain. Many people who have this disease end up depressed, bedridden and unfortunately the suicide rate of those with CRPS is very high. Sterling has chosen life, to LiveOn, and enjoy life to the fullest regardless of his trials. He chooses to enjoy the things he loves most in life despite the obstacles he is challenged with everyday. Through our LiveOn company we hope to inspire people around the world to LiveOn!
The Lyman family absolutely loves Alaska. Their time and experiences there inspire most of their design ideas. Alaska is a spiritual place; just being there has a magnetic draw that soothes the soul and makes it so you never want to leave. Alaska
changes your outlook on life and humbles you to realize there is something so vast and so beautiful in this world we live in.
Sterling is originally from Wyoming. He and his family currently spend as much time as possible there on the family ranch as well as hunting and fishing in the Wyoming wilderness. Hunting in Wyoming first inspired our HuntOn line. The Lyman’s plan is to visit as many fishing and hunting communities as possible across America. They're looking for new inspiration and leaving their mark by way of quality apparel, in these communities, while anticipating their chance to visit again. The Lyman’s believe that LiveOn is much more than just an apparel company. We believe LiveOn to be a statement to define living life to its fullest. We also believe LiveOn to be a lifestyle, which is living life with no regrets. People should enjoy everything about life, especially the great outdoors, nature as a whole, and participating in the activities they love.